
This - My Creed

Questioning Inherited Beliefs: A Journey of Self-Discovery Have you ever questioned the beliefs handed down to you since birth? Ever been curious to explore them for yourself, rather than solely relying on what you inherited growing up? This is my personal journey in a nutshell, into doing just that. Since childhood, I've always been curious about the world and our purpose in it. I once read a post that stated as a species, we constantly seek something tangible to explain human existence—why we are here, and our place in it. We are social beings who need to see, touch, and be part of something to believe in it. Organized religion often fills that need, while simply believing in and talking to God does not. It can feel lonely when it’s just you and God. He doesn't say a lot and requires you to do all the talking. He exists beyond the physical world. Religion teaches that God requires absolute belief without offering a chance to scientifically prove or disprove His exis
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